Harmony Point Acupuncture
Bethany Bechtel, AP, PhD, Gainesville, Florida

Recent Posts


Acupuncture Effective treatment for Fibromyalgia

A new study has found that acupuncture treatments can significantly lower the pain associated with Fibromyalgia.

Ten weeks after treatment, the pain scores of patients given acupuncture dropped an average of 41 percent, compared with an average drop of 27 percent for those given a simulated acupuncture treatment. The benefits were still seen after a year. US News & World Report

Fibromyalgia News Today reports that:

To evaluate the efficacy of an individualized acupuncture protocol for patients with fibromyalgia, Jorge Vas from the Pain Treatment Unit, Doña Mercedes Primary Health Centre, Dos Hermanas, in Spain, and colleagues designed a randomized controlled trial to determine the clinical efficacy of traditional acupuncture as a fibromyalgia treatment, using a personalized point-selection algorithm based on the characteristics of each patient.

The study can be viewed at “Acupuncture for fibromyalgia in primary care: a randomised controlled trial.” To read the full article a login is required, but the abstract can be viewed for free.


12 reasons you should try acupuncture: complete diagnosis

Acupuncture is part of a complete medical diagnostic system

Traditional Chinese Medicine is built around a complete system of medical diagnosis. When you step into the office for treatment, your acupuncture physician asks you questions about your digestion, sleep patterns and emotions. She looks at your skin color and at your tongue. Very importantly, she takes your pulse using several fingers on each wrist. All of this information is used to diagnose a pattern of health and illness. Diagnosis goes much deeper than symptoms. For example, you may have a headache, but that is a symptom of a deeper imbalance. The goal of treatment is to restore your body to health, not just to relieve or mask your headache. In order to restore health, your practitioner needs to understand what type of headache you have, and the overall pattern of imbalance. The diagnostic system is the single most powerful component of Traditional Chinese Medicine. All other treatments are based upon the diagnosis.


12 reasons you should try acupuncture: Your whole self

Acupuncture treats the whole person: body, mind, emotions and spirit

Acupuncture treatments are part of the holistic system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Modern western medical theory is now confronting the fact that there is no hard distinction between mental, physical, emotional and even spiritual components of health. Indeed, stress is the leading contributor to modern illnesses. When your acupuncturist treats you with needles, herbs, moxibustion, massage, simple physical exercises and dietary recommendations, she is treating your whole self.



UF Research Presentation by Dr. Bethany Bechtel

UF CAM FINAL announcement flyer -3-16-Bechtel


























Bethany S. Bechtel PhD, Adjunct Post-Doctoral Associate
Alka Velenik PhD, Department of Chemistry

“Acupunture: Diagnostic System and Possible Molecular Mechanism”

Dr. Bethany Bechtel is a Licensed Acupuncture Physician, a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine and a 2002 graduate of Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine in Gainesville. She holds undergraduate degrees in Molecular Biology and French Literature from Bryn Mawr College. She earned her doctoral degree in Biophysics from the University of Pennsylvania and has worked on NMR spectroscopy of small molecules at the Wistar Institute at the University of Pennsylvania and in the UF Chemistry Department. She has been the recipient of two Fulbright Awards for advanced research at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore.


10 ways to stay healthy in 2014

At Harmony Point Acupuncture we are committed to your good health!

Here 10 health suggestions for the new year:

  1. Drink tap water: bottled water contains many harmful chemicals
  2. Eat fresh cooked vegetables: raw vegetables are hard to digest
  3. Stay warm: cold is the root of many diseases
  4. Walk for 15 to 30 minutes a day: the very best exercise!
  5. Get a good night’s sleep: keep regular sleep hours
  6. Take some quiet time: nurture yourself
  7. Spend time in nature: recharge with sun and fresh air
  8. Connect with other people: positive interactions
  9. Do something creative: dance, draw, sing, create!
  10. Count your blessings: gratitude is the key to joy!



Adjunctive Acupuncture Assists Women with IVF, IUI, Fertility Treatments

Acupuncture is an ancient practice used to stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself and promote well-being. Small needles are placed in very specific areas based on your needs. Ancient medicine believes that the needles help to relieve blocked energy pathways. Modern medicine believes the process stimulates the nervous system to release beneficial chemicals. Regardless of the conflict in theory, acupuncture is gradually becoming an accepted option for a variety of health issues. It is typically used in conjunction with modern medicine for the best results.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) on the other hand, is a very modern medical procedure. In IVF, an egg and sperm are combined for fertilization in a laboratory dish. If an IVF procedure is successful, an embryo transfer moves the embryo to a woman’s uterus. It is a complicated procedure that can be influenced by many factors. The success rates can be anywhere from 10-35% depending on individuals. Research is ongoing to help improve the success rates of this procedure.

Researchers gathered information about acupuncture use with IVF from seven previous studies. The results, published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) , showed that pregnancy rates improved with the addition of acupuncture.


About the Study

To evaluate the effect of acupuncture on the success of in vitro fertilization, researchers reviewed and combined results from 7 randomized trials. The studies followed a total of 1,366 women having one treatment of in vitro fertilization. Within one day of embryo transfer the women had one of the following:

  • Needle acupuncture
  • Sham acupuncture (A simulated procedure so the patient believes she is receiving a treatment. This helps eliminate the possibility of a placebo effect)
  • No acupuncture.

The women were then followed until the end of their pregnancies. Acupuncture did help increase the rates of success for in vitro fertilization.

  • In an analysis of 1,366 women, pregnancy was achieved in 32% of those who had acupuncture and 26.7% of those without.
  • In an analysis of 690 women, pregnancies continued beyond 12 weeks in 30% of those who had acupuncture and 18.9% of those without.
  • Finally, in analysis of 226 women, live births occurred in 30.6% of those who had acupuncture and 19% of those without.

How Does This Affect You?

Every year 10-15% of couples seek medical help for infertility. Techniques that improve the success rate are important to decrease the length, cost, and stress of these procedures. This review has shown the potential to improve conception rates with no negative side effects. Future studies should provide more details. If you are currently undergoing IVF, talk to your physician about using acupuncture.

This content is reviewed regularly and is updated when new and relevant evidence is made available. This information is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with questions regarding a medical condition.

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